بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Hi guys.
I have never told this to anyone but hey, 21 is my favourite number now. Ngiahaha. And today, on this 21st August 2019, I actually baked a cake. An edible one. Honestly, I like baking and cooking but those who know me would know that I barely pass in the chores. Say I bake 10 times. The amount the end products are actually edible might be around 2,3? Hahahah. That how sucks I am in baking and cooking.
Anyway, today I baked old people cake because old people like it? Or maybe because it is derived from old, old recipe and time where people donno what Chocolate Indulgence or Red Velvet is? Whatever. My mom calls it Kek Marjerin because that's the main ingredient, I think. Some people call it Kek Minyak. I assume they substitute marjerin with minyak. Anyway, I got the seriously easy and simple recipe from here. Tapi, guwe kan lagi suka acah tau despite the fact guwe sucks in baking. So, instead of following the recipe step by step, I actually altered it a tiny bit.
So, basically, these are the ingredients and steps.
- 1 cawan gula halus (I is acah tau I used brown sugar (I regret it tho))
- 1 cawan marjerin pelangi (any marjerin would do)
- 1 cawan tepung gandum
- 1 sudu kecil baking powder (I add cream of tartar too because I saw the bottle lying in the baking basket lonely. So I dont want tartar to feel lonely. Lol honestly I dont know why I add it.)
- 3 eggs
- 1 sudu kecil esen vanila
- Beat the sugar and margarine until it turns fluffy and white.
- Add the egg one by one. Continue to beat them violently after each egg is added.
- Add the esen vanilla.
- Sift in the flour and baking powder.
- Mixed them well.
- Separated them into three colour.
- Put the colour one scoop by one scoop. Selang seli okay?
- And then, bake it at 160' for 35 mins.
So you wanna see how my cake looks like? Ermmm okay.
So you remember I said I used brown sugar instead of white sugar? Yeah guys, my cake is practically brown. Like, no use to add colour. And I also freaked out a bit when my eggs and margarine mixture started to curdle. And then, I remembered that my margarine was from the fridge but the eggs were not. But you don't have to freak out like me if it happens to you. Just add in the flour and follow the steps. The batter will be fine in the oven. Anyway, it tasted decent. My parents like it. I guess that will do. I'm not a fan of sweet food so I reduced the sugar to like 3/4 cup and I still find it a bit too sweet for my liking. But again, I am so used to bland food so my taste bud is actually pathetic. I pity the people who have to eat my cooking hahah.
With the ingredients, you won't get a big cake but the size is just nice for 4-5 people. I always find cakes like this are best eaten when they are still warm. The edge of the cake is still crispy and crumble in your mouth. Yum!
That's all I have to say because 21 is now my favourite numberrrr. So I have to write something on my blog. Actually 21 is second favourite. First is 13. Okay, bye!
Thanks for reading!