بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Assalamualaikum everyone!
I'm home for my semester break so let's bake! Gituuuuuu padahal selalu tk jadi baking nya T___T. I have no talent. :') Anyway, everyone likes cheesecake especially my dear mother. I never try baking Japanese Cheese Cake because they are so fluffy, soft, moist and I just don't believe myself enough to bake one. Hahah.
But, I found a simple recipe on Facebook (God bless those generous people sharing recipes everywhere) so I decided to bake one. It's very easy and most important it consists of ingredients that are usually happen to be in our fridge! Yeayy!
So here we go! This time, recipe will be accompanied with pictures heheh. And please, excuse me for writing in bahasa rojak. hehe
1. 70 gram butter
2. 70 gram gula
3. 70 gram flour (Don't forget to ayak first!)
4. 200 ml fresh milk
5. 4 eggs (Separate the putih and kuning)
6. 5 cheese slices (Only sliced cheese people, no cream cheese yeay!)
7. Vanilla essence (I substitute it with squeezing the lemon and grate the skin)
Carikkan semua cheese tu kecik kecik. Campur dengan susu. Haa dah bersekongkol cheese dengan susu tu sila lah panaskan mereka di atas dapur. Api perlahan je ye. Sambil sambil tu kacau sampai cheese cair. Taknak ketul ketul, nanti tak lawa kek kita punya tekstur.
Bila cheese dah cair meleleh dengan susu dan keduanya serasi bersama sila masukkan butter. Kacau lah sampai larut. Api maintain slow. Agak agak nak jimat, tutup je api sebab susu tu sepatutnya dah cukup hot untuk meltkan butter. Awhhhh~
Haa ni rupanya bila susu, butter dan cheese bersama. Biarkan tiga ketul ni sekejap. Kita attend our eggs and flour pulak.
Telur kuning harus diasingkan yaaaa anak anak. Pukul dia bagi kembang. Guna whisk sudah. Takyah nak ambik mixer sangat. Jimat letrik.
Ni putih telur yang dah dipukul sampai bertanduk. Sesuai benor perkataan bertanduk tu sebab boleh diibaratkan hampir keluor tanduk lamanya nak menunggu putih telur tu jadi cenggini.
Dah bertanduk si putih telur ni biar dia sengsorang. Masukkan kuning telur dalam adunan cheese tiga serangkai yang kita pinggirkan tadi. Kacau sampai sebati.
Dah larut cheese dengan kuning telur, kita ayak tepung masuk geng diorang. Ayak sikit demi sikit. Make sure tak berketul. Kita nak body je ketul ketul, kek tak perlu ye.
Dah yakin dan percaya semua bahan tu larut barulah kita masukkan meringue ataupun putih telur bertanduk tadi tu dalam adunan tepung+cheese+kuning telur tu. Kaup balik bagi semua sebati. Tapi I believe my mix was wayyyyy over-whipped so it trapped too much air and cause tiny bubbles to appear. U_U
Dah settle gaulkan semua bahan, tuang la dalam loyang. Kalau takde loyang yang boleh bukak belah bawah takyah bimbang. Potong je baking parchment ikut bentuk loyang, griskan dinding loyang bagi mereka melekat gituuu.
Dah tuang tu kalau nampak tiny bubbles mesti rasa geram je. I've read somewhere kalau ada bubble kita angkat loyang tu separas bahu pastu hentak dia sederhana kuat bagi bubbles to pop themselves. Kalau rasa kekuatan tu memang jenis takleh control, takyah buat la. Kang loyang melayang. T__T
Loyang ni rendam dalam waterbath tau. Maksudnya, dia duduk dalam loyang lain dikelilingi air fuhhh macam princess berendam hot tub gituu.
Bakar suhu 170c sround 20 minutes. Pastu turunkan kepada 140c for another 40 minutes. But it really does depend on your oven. Maka kenali oven anda wakakak.
Rasa okay lah. Tak manis sebab dah grate the lemon kan. But the bubbles ruin the cheese cake appearance. U_U Tapi takpelah janji boleh telan.
I'm mostly a loser and failure in the kitchen. My mom, being a sweet lady she is always eat everything I cook even though most of the times the food doesn't look edible. Thank you mader. I love you. Hahaha. But I think I ace this one! Yeayyy. :P
It's easy, it's delicious. I hope you guys find this recipe worth trying!
Thanks for reading!
Till then, bye!
Be good, do good.
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