بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Day 3 and still got the spirit. Wow, 2020 does change me! Bhahaha. Today's challenge is to share about my top three pet peeves. Pet peeve is something that you find irritating and annoying. You know, when you see something done by other people or literally anything that made you all annoyed, that is pet peeve for you. What a fancy name to describe things you hate eh? So, my top three pet peeves are...
1. Chewing with mouth opens
This practically drove me crazy. Come on, the sound we made when we chew food with our mouth opens is not really nice, right? The 'cak cak cak' drove me up the wall. It is very distracting, especially when you are trying to focus on eating hahah. It's much better if you close your mouth, chew your food in silence and when you finish chewing, you can open your mouth again. I think we all have the tendency to chew with our mouth opens masa zaman budak budak but you know, we can always improve and change whatever habit we have.
2. Spamming my Whatsapp but does not get straight to the point
I really can't. Have you ever received text from people, spamming you with your name like 'Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba'? I rushed to my phone, saw the tiny red bubble on Whatsapp icon with the number 23. Oh, must be important I thought. So I opened the messages, and the sender just called my name from message #1 to #23. I replied, yes? And then, guess what was the reply? The sender said, busy ke? And when I replied, no, the sender proceeded with 'oh ada benda nak tanya ni' and then the sender waited for me to say 'tanyalah'.
See how many minutes already wasted because you asked unnecessary questions? I could have answered your questions if you texted me 'Ba, *insert the question*'. But noooo, some people just had to spam some tens messages before getting to the point 15-20 minutes later. But then I learnt, if the sender could take their time to get to the point, they could endure some extra minutes waiting for my reply to muahahaha. So yeah, I no longer reply as fast as I can to such messages started with some tens of 'Ba'.
3. Dog eared my books
Why you do this? Whyyyyy? I really care for my books. So, I never read them without wrapping them with the plastic wrapper first and I will use whatever I have in my hands to mark the pages, as long as I don't have to dog ear my books. I have used all sort of items to mark the pages - cable tie, candy wrapper, dry leaf, tissue, pen, business card, cotton bud, used envelopes, name it. As long as I don;t have to dog ear my books, I don't mind. Worse come to worst, I will just memorise the page number. Never dog ear my book. If you do it to your books, go ahead. But, please, don't do that to my books. I hate seeing the folded marks on the pages. It's like killing my books slowly. Gitu ye over.
I guess these are my top three pet peeves. I believe everyone has their own pet peeves. Like one of my friends, she cannot stand people who ask question merely to ask, not to seek for answers. She got so annoyed at such action and you can see it clearly on her face. HAHAHAHA but I think we all hate being asked by someone, only for the answers to be ignored, right? Anyway, what's your pet peeve?
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