بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Heheh I skipped a day because well you know, issues. By issues, I mean my laziness. But now, I've kept Miss Lazy in her room and I will continue the writing challenge. It's about the places I want to visit. Speaking of which, this Covid-19 is really a bitch. I planned to visit Singapore with my friends at the end of February. And around that time, there was several confirmed cases in the nation. So, we canceled the plan. Then, I plan to go to Genting Highland with my other friends at the end of March. But well well well, RMO happened. But there must be reasons and hikmah why Allah allow this to happen, right? So, marilah kita berlapang dada.
Anyway, about the places I want to visit. I am not big on travelling, idk. Maybe because I don't have enough money to go travelling? HAHAHA. Ok seriously, idk. Usually, I only go to new places because I want to see my friends who live there and most of the time, I will stay at their house, cook for them and that's about it. Bhahaha I am so boring. But, if I were asked about the places I want to visit, I think I have quite a few places.
1. Japan
As a kid, I used to watch a lot of anime and J-drama. I used to favour J-drama over K-drama and I always feel like Japan is a very beautiful country. The food, the culture, the scenery, the mind-blowing technologies they have, I want to see them in person. Not through screen or pictures. Well, some day when I have the chance, Japan would be the first place I want to visit.
2. Iceland Northern Light
I love sky. Like very very much. What's better than sky with mesmerising light during night? Practically nothing. Except my mom's cooking. That maybe better. But that's totally different so yeah, northern light is the best. I remember back during my degree years, I took this one subject -- Creative Writing. One of the assignments was to prepare ABC book where you have to describe each letter with the things related to yourself. The alphabet A for my ABC book stands for Aurora and I pasted a whole lot pictures of northern light. It amazes me so much and I always marvel at the thought of how amazing Allah is, being able to create such beautiful things, far in the sky, untouched by the hands of the human. So amazing *insert emoji teary eyes*
3. Switzerland
I used to keep quite a number of scenery pictures in Switzerland. Everything looks so serene. And I kind of realise that I make a boring travel partner HAHAHAHAH. I love places like this where people can sit down, drink coffee and stare at the beautiful scenery for hours. It looks so nice to just breathe in the fresh air, appreciating God's creation and do nothing. Hahahah Goddd I am so very boring but yeah I think I would do exactly that if I visited places like the one in the picture.
I think that's it. Apart from these three, I think any beaches or places with nice sky would be enough to make me smile from ear to ear. Haha. The challenge is to list 5 places I want to visit, but I only have three in my mind. Okay maybe when I grow a bit older, I would have more places I want to visit. I will check in the next few years ok? Or maybe, I will stay as the boring person I am, still have only these three places in my mind. Miahahah.
Ugh I myself feel like puking reading this entry of mine. Maybe I should look up for places I should visit so I would have more in my list. Hahaha whatever it is, thank you for reading! May I still have the spirit to keep the challenge going.
Till then, take care and stay safe!
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