بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Heyya people.
I'm taking a break from the writing challenge because I want to share this simple recipe of butter cake with you people. First off, I would like to tell you people that I loooooove baking but sadly, I am not always lucky with the things I bake. But! This recipe is really simple and if a failure like me can ace it, so can you.
So, you will be needing:
1. 250 gram butter
2. 200 gram castor sugar
3. 250 gram flour
4. 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
5. 4 eggs
6. 1/2 cup of fresh milk
*additional: three tablespoons of cocoa powder and one teaspoon of vanilla essence.
So, now the steps.
In the bowl, combine 250 gram butter with 200 gram sugar.
Beat them. I actually ran out of castor sugar and I used the normal sugar. So, the texture was not really pretty. After the sugar and butter dah turn fluffy or kembang, add the vanilla essence. Cemana nak tahu the sugar and butter dan kembang? When they turned pale yellow gitu or white gitu.
Then, remember that 4 eggs? Add one by one.
Alternately, after each egg, add the tepung. Remember to ayak the tepung with baking powder first. Masuk sebiji telur, masuk tepung. Pastu, pukul. Pastu gilir gilir sampai habis telur and tepung. And then, add the half cup of milk. Pukul lagi sampai rata.
Pastu, divide the mixture into two. Satu tu, you add the three tablespoons of cocoa powder. Kacau rata. Kalau nak buat colour colour also can. Kalau ada empat colour, bahagikan adunan kepada empat. Kalau nak buat 24 colour macam pensel colour luna, yaaaa terserah deh!
Letakkan adunan tu selang seli dalam loyang yang dah disapu minyak or di-layerkan dengan baking paper. Putih dulu, pastu coklat, pastu putih, pastu coklat. Buat sampai adunan habis. Lepas letak setiap adunan tu, disarankan menghentak loyang ye. I found the action of menghentak loyang helped the layer to be prettier hahah tapi heyy, mungkin saya hanya berkhayal.
Masukkan dalam oven yang dah dipanaskan for 10-15 minutes, at 170 degree celcius for around 50 minutes. Tapi kan, my oven kat rumah ni very the stupido. I actually put it on 190 for 50 minutes. Tapi kek tu alhamdulillah tak rentung. See, stupid oven? But really, it depends on your oven. So, kenali oven anda. Bukan boyfriend sahaja. Eh tiba.
So this is after terbakor dalam oven for 50 minutes.
Keratan rentas. Daymmmmm they look so good. And oh, the recipe produced a very moist butter cake. And it smelled super nice wuwuwuw. Ya Allah dapnya makan panas panas!
I am not a fan of butter cake but my mom is. So, she loves this cake! I did try several times before this but eheheh my previous butter cakes need to be eaten with a sip of water after every slice untuk membantu penghadaman kerana begitulah kering, sekering hatiku. Gittew. But this one, is so gewd. I think I will be making this as my favourite recipe for butter cake.
Do try it and lemme know if you enjoy it as much as my family does.
Thank you for reading!
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